Tuesday, February 28, 2012

the cereal experiment: Quaker Oat Bran

When I reviewed Quaker Oatmeal Squares many months ago, I must admit I was a little hard on them. Since I wrote that review, I have had several cravings for this tasty cereal specifically. So, when I spotted Quaker Oat Bran sitting next to it on the shelf the other week while satisfying one of these urges, I was happy to plop it in my cart as the next subject in the cereal experiment.

Results. If Oatmeal Squares is Quaker's successful and beautiful sister, Oat Bran is the frazzled and homely sister still living with her parents at age 30...

Quaker Oat Bran is a soggy mess. Yes, you get a fairly large amount per serving (1.25 cups for 210 calories), but unless you are into consuming bowls of soggy gruel that masquerade as cereal, you will be disappointed. I hadn't even sat down to eat this bowl before it turned into a smushy catastrophe.

At the end of my eating, what was once cereal was now porridge (see above photo). I actually debated dumping it out mid-bowl and replacing it with the bland, but texturally competent Kashi GoLean Original.

On the bright side, the flavor of this cereal isn't horrible - it has a light brown sugar sweetness - but, this fact is far overshadowed by its texture.

Overall, Quaker Oat Bran's nutritional stats are a bit low compared with the other contenders. What stands out for me in the Table, however, is its low ranking for texture (I believe I have justified that above) and its price! This is by far the most expensive box of cereal I have purchased. All these variables considered, Quaker Oat Bran takes a last place finish.

Despite its lightly sweetened flavor and decent nutritional composition, Quaker Oat Bran cereal disappointed me in a big way. I have a feeling this box of cereal will remain uneaten in my pantry for quite some time...

Note: Remember that you can visit my Food Experiment Page anytime to access all the cereal experiment reviews and current standings table, in addition to other food-related experiments. 


  1. This made me laugh - it really does look like soggy gruel.

  2. Hahha oh goodness, well it looks like I will not be giving this cereal a try! I could find myself getting confused and buying the wrong thing if I was not paying attention... I love quaker oat bran SQUARES. That cereal is amazing, squares are key :)

    1. i agree completely. those squares are fantastic! make sure you get the right box!

  3. Soggy cereal is the worst! If the flavor is good, you can always add the dry cereal to trail mix to finish off the box :)

    1. good suggestion. i wrote this post awhile ago, actually, and i still have the box in my pantry. will eat it up this way!

  4. This does look like a pretty sub par cereal. Also, it looks EXACTLY like crispix!

    1. i didn't think of that - does look like cripix

  5. Ugh, that does look less than yummy. It seemed great before you added the milk but the soggy mess in the last pic is not exactly appetizing!

  6. Haha see this is where I would LOVE this cereal. I am the hugest soggy cereal fan ever. I hated eating Cap'n Crunch when I was young because the roof of my mouth always hurt afterwards lol. I always eat Crispix - which, yes, this does look like - and leave it to get soggy for 10 minutes before eating.

    I'm really weird, btw.

    1. hahaha! this cracked me up. girl, if you like soggy cereal - go for it! this is your box!

  7. Aw, what a bummer!
    I havent tried that cereal before, but after reading this I dont think I want to anyway..

  8. OMG I agree doesn't look good :( too bad you spend your money, you should ask fpr a refund by showing them these pictures!

    1. haha! a refund would sure be nice, i agree! here that quaker people!!!

  9. BAHAHA to soggy gruel! It sorta reminds me of Life cereal, but sure looks a hack of a lot mushier haha!

  10. I would just stick with regular oatmeal! Its the most healthy and the most delicous! :)

  11. I HATE soggy cereal!!!! Love my crunchy combo... we are literally cereal twins! HA!

  12. Can I just say I really appreciate your cereal experiments? I eat cereal almost every day, and I like how you lay it out in such a nice spreadsheet and everything

    1. aw, thanks Katie. thanks for sharing that with me - glad you are enjoying them!

  13. Uneaten box of cereal in the pantry?! What's that?! Haha. These look a lot like my favorite--or one of--Barbara's Shredded Spoonfuls. You should do those next to compare them to this one! Fun experiment, I love the table and break down. Can't believe Kashi GoLean got a 0 for taste! I love it!
