Thursday, September 1, 2011

the skinny belt experiment

Background. Most of us 'regular folk' need a little inspiration to incorporate new items into our wardrobe in a fashionable and unique way. I tend to find something that works and get stuck in a style rut. Variety is what creating an interesting fashion profile is all about. In that light, this new series of experiments aims to take one daunting piece and re-style it in four ways. First up, the skinny belt. 

It wasn't long ago that I didn't even know that there were varieties of belts. Wide belt, stretchy belt, skinny belt. Sounds like the beginning of a Dr. Suess book. They dangle from store racks in countless varieties of colors, textures, materials, and finishes. You may have purchased one or two of the skinny variety with high hopes and they now simply lay in a dusty pile in your closet or only get worn in one very specific way. Well, my friends, it is time to master the art of the skinny belt.

Objective. To style this skinny belt in four completely different ways to provide excitement to my wardrobe and (hopefully) inspiration to my readers. 

Methods. Style this skinny belt in four ways. Take photos and record my feelings, others' reactions/complements (if any), comfort, confidence, and overall experience. In the end, I hope to discover new and brave uses for this previously under-utilized item.

And, I want you to play along! Style your own skinny belt - your own way or try some of mine - comment and tell me how it goes. Even better, send me a picture ( so I can get inspiration from you!

1 comment:

  1. I have three and have no idea what to do with them other than put them through belt loops...Excited to see how this experiment goes!
